They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

ryszard bazarnik, koncert na ƛcianie

Greetings to all.
I'm sorry that I'm writing in English on Polish forum, but I'm only begin to study these wonderful language and don't what to shock you with numerous grammatical mistakes. Now I'm in Poland and desperately want some material for reading in the form of some RPG books. I understand that there is some shop in Poznania, but is anything in Krakow? I'll be fantastically grateful for a help :).

I only know:
In Krakow there are more shops but I don't know where
Unfortunetly i don't know any shops in Krakow. But Bard is a nice shop - we have it also in Poznań and it's very good. You can also ask people in Bard about other shops or try to get informations on this forum: http://forum.polter.pl/offtopic-vf30.html - Poltergeist is biggest polish fantasy portal, where are also people from Kraków.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • cichooo.htw.pl